Build Your Own Wii Balance Board

There was a time when Wii Fit wasn’t available in the market, nor was the idea that Gaming and consoles could be related to health and staying fit and healthy. During those days, a guy built his own “Balance Board”.

cheap wii balance board

While the Wii Balance Board was already available in 2007 when he attempted to do so, it is still pretty cool and relevant and I am sure you would want to build it on your own even now, for about just $20.

wii balance board diy

His Balance Board does not come with scales that detect shifting of weight and they move around freely. In my opinion, it is actually more fun when it moves around freely so, and when it becomes mandatory to balance in all senses. You may have to run to the nearest hardware shop to buy all the necessary stuffs like laminated board, industrial glue, balls and other such things. If you can quickly go to his page an read the detailed instructions, you could have your own DIY Balance Board which you would build yourself.

build a wii balance board

It would not only give you a sense of pride, but will also hone your DIY skills, and will in the end help you grow healthy and stronger thanks to all the balancing. And you would not to worry much as the Balance Board comes with grip tape and thus you would not skid around the place and break your neck. You could check out the Riiflex Wii Fit Weights which would help you to hone your muscle tone. You could also check out the Wii Fit Mod that comes with Robot Labyrinth. I must say Wii fans (pun intended) are a health conscious lot!

nintendo wii balance board diy project

Via: Walyou

4 thoughts on “Build Your Own Wii Balance Board

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