Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Wii Screenshots
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles for the Wii were revealed sometime last month but new details, screenshots are out and so is a brawler preview. TMNT: Smash Up features locations and arenas that change as you fight along, which makes the player feel less monotonous. The defeated would just fall off the stage or the health meter would get empty.
Apparently, the title would lack motion-controlled attacks and the graphics might turn out to be slightly dark. However, some players feel that health may drain out too fast and attacks do not last for a very long time. The turtles and their katana-brawl might just renew our interest in 80s comic characters.
Ubisoft’s decision to get these old time favorites to Wii is a great development and may attract nostalgic fans to Wii. This came as some great news as we had been waiting eagerly for any kind of information or previews of TMNT on Wii.
Via: GamesofPeru