Super Nintendo Game Cartridge Wallet DIY
The Super Nintendo Game console may be long gone, but it doesn’t mean it can’t be useful in some ways…such as making a homemade wallet from its game cartridges.
If you have an old Super Nintendo stuck in your closet or attic and some of those old games aying around without use, then this could be a great project that is extremely retro and very unique.
By the use of the SNES game cartrdige, some innovative Nintendo fan made a useful wallet with a picture ID, plenty of room for cash, change, business cards and other needful things, and this Nintendo DIY also plays some game themes for additional fun.
I don’t know about you, but it just seems like Nintendo may have thought about this back in the day; give our loyal fans something useful even when the actual console isn’t.
Other cool Super Nintendo creations included the SNES Wii mod and the combo console of the NES SNES video game.
Via: Walyou