Nintendo Gameboy Plush Dolls
Educating the young in the noble arts is something that is best done when they are young. The art of gaming may not have a history that goes back many centuries but it is still as fine as that of classical musical or things like jousting. That is why every little kid should have these cute Gameboy plushies.
In the guise of a Gameboy, these cute plushies are just the right huggable size for youngsters but made for all Nintendo fans. You never need worry about smashing the display or breaking off the buttons on these. You may not be able to play endless on them but they are still something you’d want in your possession if you love Nintendo art.
The Gameboy plush dolls are hand-stitched and are available custom made in any color and size you would want for just $35. If the cuddly Gameboy plushy is way too cute for you then you might want to opt for the deadly Super Mario Piranha Doll. And if that doesn’t interest you, you would be able to find one of your liking amongst the Nintendo Gameboy DS Mods.
Via: GizmoDiva